Book a Free Discovery Session
Fill out the form below and we will be in touch to arrange a time to speak with one of our experienced Vision Questers and trained facilitators.
Our 2025 Vision Quests
Currently we have two Vision Quests planned for 2025. Both hosted over eight days in NSW.
SoulRite Vision Quest Darwin
Are you ready to quest?
Are you ready to sit for 4 days and nights in your own sacred space immersed in wild nature fasting from all things familiar?
Are you ready to fulfil your own unique vision?
The Programme
The Vision Quest Program is hosted over 8 days: 15th to 22nd July 2023.
Days 1-2
The first 2 days involve finding and preparing your quest site, with teachings to support you on your quest. A sweat lodge is held on the 2nd night to initiate the beginning of your Vision Quest Ceremony.
Days 3-6
These are the 4 days and nights of Vision Quest Ceremony. Sitting solo in wild nature fasting from food and all things familiar (except water). Free from daily distractions and held by Mother Earth the Quest will support you find that which your soul seeks. Perhaps letting go of old stories you’ve outgrown and giving birth to the new.
Days 7-8
The final 2 days are dedicated to integration. You will be supported and given tools to help bring clarity and purpose to the messages and insights you will have received. A safe and supported space will be held at all times.
Book now
Darwin, NT. Precise location to be announced soon.
2024 dates to be confirmed.